31st January 2024 - Meherabad (India)
AMARTITHI OF MEHER BABA - 31 JANUARY 1969 Amartithi or the Eternal Date is the anniversary of the day when Avatar Meher Baba dropped his physical form is commemorated in a major gathering attended by thousands of visitors from 30 January to 1 February of each year. During this 48-hour period a program of song, dance, and film continues all day and through much of the night on the stage near Meher Baba's Tomb. The climax of the event takes place on Amartithi day itself when, for fifteen minutes, the assembled crowd keeps silence for fifteen minutes in honor of the physical passing of the Avatar of the Age at 12:15 p.m. on 31st January 1969. In Nov. 1968,Meher Baba said he would give darshan "On His Own Terms". He said that this darshan would be unparalled - it would be the last darshan given in silence, and that when he would start giving darshan to his lovers it would not be for a limited period, but for all time. He also said he would give his darshan in reclining position. All these were hints that he would not be with us physically but spiritually. At 12:15 PM on 31st January 1969, Meher Baba dropped his body, which was kept in the tomb at Meherabad Hill for seven days for Baba lovers across the globe , to take his darshan. Since then, Meher Baba's tomb-shrine at Meherabad has become a place of pilgrimage for his lovers all over the world. Therefore every year on his Amartithi(31st Jan) thousands of Baba lovers gather here to pay their homage to the Avatar of this era